Travel Tips & Resources

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Traveling Overseas? Registering for STEP should be on your to-do list.

Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures. If you are reading this, you likely agree. It is one of our happy places and truly feeds the soul. It is both an adventure and relaxation. But as with most things in life, it has inherent risks. It is important not to live in fear of the what-ifs, but it is silly not to do all you can to mitigate those risks. It is always best to be prepared and use whatever tool, especially the free ones at your disposal, such as the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).

There are many ways to protect yourself when traveling, such as travel insurance, which we are huge advocates for all ages. It is the first thing we buy after booking our flights. We all carry home insurance that covers fire loss. How many houses burn down? Very few, but if you are that victim of losing your home to a fire, that insurance helps you rebuild your life, whereas, for most of us, it would be financially impossible without that insurance. When traveling, the same rules apply.

If you want to learn more about the importance of travel insurance, check our blog post – Travel Insurance: Protecting You and Yours.

The second thing we do after buying travel insurance is register for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). It is a free service provided by the U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs under the auspices of the U.S. State Department. Your tax dollars are already paying for it.

It is surprising how few people know about this service, especially when traveling to less stable parts of the world. We make sure to ask everyone we know before they leave for an overseas trip if they have registered for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), and 95% of the time, the response is, what is that? So, let’s chat about why you should register for your next international trip and how quick and easy the process is.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

What is the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program(STEP)?

Protecting the lives and interests of U.S. citizens abroad is a core mission of U.S. Embassies and Consulates. The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program is a free service that allows U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll in their trip or extended stay with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Therefore, they can provide important safety and security information and support during a crisis or emergency.

What are the benefits of enrolling your overseas trip?

STEP could aid you in many ways before and during your trip.

  1. You’ll receive the latest safety and security information for your destination country so that you can make informed decisions about your travel.
  2. Emergencies happen at home when you are traveling. STEP will help family and friends get in touch with you in an emergency
  3. Even in the safest of cities, protests, and civil unrest can occur. The service provides the latest information on what areas to avoid in case of events such as strikes, demonstrations, or lockdowns.
  4. If you become ill or injured and require hospitalization, they already have all your information and know you are in the country. It will expedite the process of getting guidance on what to do next.
  5. Natural disasters or terrorist attacks can occur at any time. The local U.S. embassies and consulates will take steps to verify and confirm the safety of the Americans they are there to represent and protect.
  6. Should you run into legal issues or are a victim of a crime while abroad, they are there to assist you in navigating the process.

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Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Why should I register for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)? Can’t I figure this out on my own?

One of the benefits of traveling abroad with a United States Passport is the protection your country provides. The United States is a powerful entity in diplomacy and military strength. Civil and political unrest has impacted many countries, making it risky for Americans who are there. If the U.S. Government knows where you are, through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), it can plan to offer assistance to you in circumstances where your safety is in danger.

What happens when I enroll?

When you enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), you stay informed on the current information about your destination country, which comes in various forms.

  • Alerts from the U.S. Embassy about safety and security
  • Updates on any travel advisory can be health-related, government instability, impending severe weather, or even crime-related.
  • If you live abroad, it provides information about U.S. Embassy events and services, town hall meetings, voting info, federal benefits, and legal obligations to the U.S.
  • When enrolled in STEP, you stay connected. The U.S. Embassy contacts you and assists in an emergency overseas. If your family or friends in the U.S. are having difficulty getting you urgent news while you’re traveling, the service can use the information in STEP to try and reach you.

Are you tired of Long TSA Airport security lines? Check out our article on How to avoid them.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

What can a consulate or Embassy do for me when I am overseas?

Consular officers at Embassies and Consulates can assist U.S. citizens who encounter serious legal, medical, or financial difficulties overseas. For example, if your passport is stolen while traveling, we can help you obtain a replacement to continue your trip. We can also provide the names of English-speaking doctors or local attorneys, give loans to needy U.S. citizens, and provide information about dangerous conditions affecting your overseas travel or residence.

They also perform non-emergency services such as helping with routine passport applications, absentee voting, selective service registration, receiving federal benefits, and filing U.S. tax forms. Consular officers can notarize documents, issue passports, and register U.S. citizen children born abroad. Most embassies and consulates have websites with more information about their citizen services.

In a crisis, such as a natural disaster or severe political instability, the Department of State provides information and assistance to U.S. citizens in the affected area.

Did you know there is a 24-hour number to reach the U.S. Embassy in emergencies for U.S. citizens traveling abroad? Some U.S. Embassies within the country may be reachable 24 hours a day, but if not, the main number is available at all times.

From the U.S. or while using a U.S. cellphone


From overseas

Dial 001 or +1, then 202-501-4444

Privacy Risks?

We all worry about what is happening to the information we share with others. The information you provide to the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is pretty basic but still personal. There are laws in place to protect the information you give. One concern I hear is then they will know where I am. Here is the bottom line if you use your passport, the system knows where you are. The closest Embassy may not know, though, and you are unaware of what is occurring in that country.

Let’s share some real-life stories

1. On our last trip to Iceland, an exceptionally peaceful and safe country, a work stoppage to protest conditions for workers in the service industry was scheduled. Except for management, all workers were absent from work for 48 hours. This occurred during two of the three days we were there. Some hotels were not as prepared as others. We verified with our hotel they had a contingency plan and what would occur. Restaurants were closed, and no housekeeping was available. It was a bare-bones staff, but they would stay open and do their best. It was not the case at all hotels or restaurants.

2. Before our travels to Spain, we received an email from the State Department warning us of a new crime directed at tourists. It was unique, and we could have easily been victims, not knowing what to avoid and how to prepare.

3. A couple from one of our hometowns was traveling overseas for an extended month. Shortly after departing, their son was in a severe accident. The Embassy assisted in getting the couple home very quickly and escorted them until they were on the plane. Once they arrived in the U.S., they were greeted and expedited through customs to immediately be transported to the hospital to be with their son in the last hours of his life.

4. During the terrorist attacks in Paris, many families desperately tried to reach their loved ones traveling or living in Paris. The families there struggled to get word to their loved ones that they were ok. The U.S. Embassy was able to facilitate the tracking of U.S. citizens and their status. It also guided Americans in Paris on what to do during the crisis.

There are even more great examples

5. While visiting Barcelona, Joelle was there during the annual Catalonia freedom protests seeking independence from Spain. She was there in the heart of it. Though usually peaceful, we were warned there was a potential for violence. Many streets and highways would be blocked and impassable. Details were provided on what areas to avoid. On the morning of her flight, road blockages on the airport route were planned. Due to the advisory, Joelle left early for her flight before the protests began.

6. Some friends were in the Caribbean when a massive hurricane was approaching. There were frequent updates on evacuation plans, where to go for safety, and the services available. Once the storm passed, assistance on how to get off the devastated island was provided.

7. Once in Paris, we received an email warning us of demonstrations likely to get violent. It provided the location, which was where we were planning to be that day. We avoided the area and stayed safe.

8. Transportation strikes are pretty common in Europe. It could make getting to an airport or other destination very problematic. An advanced warning can allow you to have contingency plans.

Traveling soon? Check out our Country Travel Guides.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Registering for Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)

Now that we have discussed why you should get this valuable service let’s talk about what is involved in registering, not surprisingly. It is quick and easy. It can be done via a computer or a mobile app. We chose the computer as it is faster and easier to navigate. We find the process user-friendly and well-presented.

*If you chose the mobile app, the app could be found in your APP store under Smart Traveler.

A Walk Through the Registration Process

Home Page

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

There are four options to choose from on the Home page. (The group option is not visible in the photo above). The bullets below explain each option.

  • If you are an infrequent traveler, enrolling in a single trip may be best by clicking the “TRAVELING? Enroll a trip” option.
  • The staying-at-home option is to track alerts and warnings occurring in a country you are considering traveling to or have people you know visiting there. Perfect for parents with students traveling abroad.
  • Those who travel often can create an account by clicking the “FREQUENT TRAVELER? Create an account” option. An account allows travelers to quickly modify their travel information and enroll in additional trips in the future. Much of your information is prepopulated for future trips so it makes registering even faster.
  • A large group of travelers can be enrolled by selecting the “Create Organization/Group Account” option at the bottom of the homepage.

The screens for each step in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) registration process

First screen: Answer two questions.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Screen two: Review and accept privacy act information.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Screen 3: Provide your name, date of birth, gender, citizenship, email, phone, and passport number. No address is needed.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

FYI If you are traveling with someone, you can enter them into this profile, so you don’t have to register separately. Remember that they will be tied to the lead person registering in an emergency. If at any time you go separate ways during the trip, it may be best for each person to register for themselves.

Screen 4: Provide trip details. You will need at least one address of where you will be staying. If moving around a lot best to add each address.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Screen 5: Provide emergency contact info for someone back home who can be reached in an emergency.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Screen 6: You will be taken to a page of any travel advisories that pertain to this country and other info. Below is from our Greece trip.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

Screen 7: One last page to review and confirm your entries.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens

That is it. You are done. It may take 5-10 minutes if you have the hotel addresses ready.

You will receive an email shortly confirming your trip registration.

Final Thoughts

U.S. embassies and consulates assist nearly 200,000 Americans each year who are victims of crime, accident, or illness or whose families need to contact them in an emergency. When an emergency occurs, or if a natural disaster, terrorism, or civil unrest strikes during your international travel, the closest U.S. embassy or consulate can be your source of information and support. By registering your travels with STEP, you are helping the Embassy locate you when you might need them the most.

Using the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is like having insurance. STEP is voluntary and costs nothing to you. You hope you’ll never have to use it, but it’s good knowing it will be there if an emergency occurs.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)


Have on you at all times the Embassy location and contact details for any country you are traveling in and your passport number. We try not to carry our passports when sightseeing, but we always have a photocopy of the passport. That said, check the specific country regulations before you go, as some do require you to have a passport on you at all times.

We carry a card with all the above info, travel insurance, and medical info. In a crisis or severe injury or illness, you may not want to waste time googling the info or returning to the hotel to get the information.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – A Shrewd Choice for U.S. Citizens
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Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

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Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

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