
Croatia Travel Guide

Croatia travel, Croatia Travel Guide
Croatia travel, Croatia Travel Guide
Croatia travel, Croatia Travel Guide
Dubrovnik, Croatia

“There is the endless coffee-drinking, there are dangers of mysterious drafts that lurk behind every open window, there are mothers-in-law, ubiquitous pillars of society, and the absolute importance of wearing slippers, but there is also the meaning of friendship and life being lived in a slower, more connected way.”

Cody Mcclain author of chasing a croatian girl
Croatia travel

Top Five Destinations In Croatia

  1. Dubrovnik Is the “Pearl of the Atlantic” and will capture your heart from the moment you arrive. It is so well preserved and intact that it feels more like a movie set vs. a 7th-century medieval wonder. Sitting on the gorgeous Adriatic Sea, it is the ultimate Mediterranean destination. It has a rich, deep history and a resilient and friendly population. This city has seen its hardships from many wars, some with scars still apparent less than 30 years ago. Inside the city wall of Dubrovnik, you wander cobblestone streets and view magnificent architecture. You feel it deep in your soul; its history and voices are there if you listen. Throw in some fantastic beaches, islands like Lokrum nearby, and many outdoor activities that will make you wish you stayed for a few more days.
  2. Istria Peninsula Encompasses a large area, but the whole region is a panacea of wonders. Many lovely medieval hill towns such as Motovun, Burek, or Hum take you back in time. This is also home to the Istria truffles, a treat beyond compare. The coastline of Istria has the breathtaking seaside fishing villages Rovinj, Purec, and Novigrad, to name a few. Or see one of the most well-preserved Roman Amphitheaters in Pula. There is culture, nightlife, rich history, and dramatic architecture throughout Istria. It also has an Italian Tuscany feel since it was part of Italy until just after WW2. It is a wonder for all the senses.
  3. Split Is home to the famous Diocletian’s Palace, built around 300 AD. This is the heart of Split. It is a wondrous example of Gothic and Renaissance Architecture, incredibly intact and striking. Wander this walled city and discover the Cathedral, the Bell Tower, Jupiter’s Temple, the Egyptian sphinx, and fascinating stories of Split history. It has a dynamic and busy waterfront full of bars, restaurants, and clubs packed with people. It has quite a young pulse and is a major destination for partiers. But that doesn’t take away from the experience or beauty of this city. Hiking and biking are popular in Split.
  4. Zadar Is an ancient city that is 3,000 years old but has a bustling cosmopolitan scene. Its spectacular waterfront promenade has the world’s first sea organ and a monument to the sun. During the day, you step back in ancient history and partake in a vibrant restaurant and nightlife scene at night. This is an up-and-coming go-to destination in Europe. It is also good to visit the Plitvice National Park, one of Croatia’s most natural wonders.
  5. The Island of Hvar With over 1000 islands in Croatia, what would a trip be without taking the time to stop by one? Hvar is a gorgeous island off the Dalmatian coast known for its lovely landscapes of vineyards, lavender fields, and, of course, stunning beaches. The main city is a walled city with beautiful architecture, marble and cobblestone streets, magnificent churches, and a striking large town square. It is an area rich with outdoor activities such as swimming, boating, hiking, and beachcombing. There are archeological sites that date back to the Neolithic era.

Did you know?

Croatia Stats

  • Population: 4.2 million
  • Capital City: Zagreb
  • Currency: Kuna (HRK)
  • Government type: Unitary Democratic Parliamentary Republic Constitutional Republic
  • Head of State: President of the Republic
  • President: Zoran Milanovic
  • Ethnic groups: Croat 90.4%, Serb 4.4%, other 4.4% (including Bosniak, Hungarian, Slovene, Czech, and Romani)
  • Languages: Croatian (official) 95.6%, other 4.4% (including Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, and Albanian)
  • Religions: Roman Catholic 86.3%, Orthodox 4.4%, other 3.3%, unspecified 2.5%, not religious or atheist 3.8%
  • U.S. State Department Risk Level: 1
  • Terrorist groups: N/A
  • Croatia’s GDP (2017) is 49 billion EUR.
  • Croatia’s key service sector is tourism, contributing to almost 20% of the GDP.
  • Croatia has one of the longest coastlines in the Mediterranean, covering an area of over 3,625 miles.
  • Croatia became a member of the European Union in 2013. It is not part of the Schengen Zone; they applied in 2015 and are awaiting approval.
  • The industrial sector is dominated by ICT, Mechanical Engineering, the pharmaceutical industry, shipbuilding, food processing, the chemical industry, and textiles.
  • Inventions attributed to Croatia include pay-by-phone parking, an electric speedometer, an electric car, forensic fingerprinting, neckties, parachutes, water cannons, mechanical pencils, laminate flooring, high-speed photography, a Maglite flashlight, and valium.
  • United Nations member since 1992
  • Croatia is first in Europe in terms of the number of visitors per capita, with 20 million visitors in 2018.
  • The highest peak in Croatia is Dinara Peak, at 6000 feet.
  • Life expectancy is 76 years old.
  • The literacy rate is 99.3%.

Fun Facts

  • The oldest inhabited city in Europe is the eastern Croatian city of Vinkovci, which has existed for 8,000 years.
  • Croatia has the highest number of UNESCO Intangible Goods among all European countries, together with Spain.
  • The Walls of Ston are the longest preserved fortification system in the world after the Great Wall of China.
  • Famous inventor Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia.
  • Croatia is ranked 4th in the world for alcohol consumption per capita.
  • The Roman amphitheater in Pula is the 6th largest Amphitheater globally and the only one with all three rows preserved.
  • Croatia’s coast is one of the cleanest in the world. With over 900 beaches tested, not one beach failed the ‘poor’ water quality test. 
  • Hum in Istria, with a population of around 20, is the world’s smallest town.
  • Croatia won the most gold medals in Europe (per capita) at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
  • The richest collection in the world of remains of Neanderthals was discovered in Krapina in central Croatia.
  • Croatia is the home of the necktie.
  • Croatian men are the 7th tallest on the planet.
  • Split’s Diocletian Palace has a genuine Egyptian sphinx. Emperor Diocletian had it brought in from Egypt for his tomb.
  • Istria has been declared the world’s best olive oil region for the past six years in a row. 
  • One of the best-kept secrets (so far) is some of the best truffles in the world can be found in the Istria region of Croatia.
  • Zadar has the world’s first pipe organ played by the sea.
  • Marco Polo was born in Croatia on the island of Korcula.
  • Game of Thrones has done extensive filming in Croatia, and the Infamous Kings Landing is set in Dubrovnik.
  • The island of Vis was the setting for the Hollywood film Mamma Mia.
  • Croatia is ranked 4th in the world for alcohol consumption per capita.

Croatia Map

Good to know before you go

  • Tipping is traditional in Croatia. Customary is 10% of the bill. Also, it is not easy to put it on a credit card. Most diners leave tips in cash.
  • Surprisingly, many places do not take credit cards, especially coffee shops, bakeries, bars, and some restaurants. In light of this, always have lots of cash!
  • Overall, the clothing is stylish and well-kept. Croatians favor dark colors; black, blues, and grays for both men and women. This was countrywide. The dress is overall casual, even at the most upscale establishments.
  • Croatia has some of the best, most beautiful roads anywhere in Europe. Highways are tolled but also very reasonable. Have cash, as some of the smaller exits are without staff.
  • When driving, pay attention to the timing on Google maps. For instance, we had a long highway drive suddenly increase by 2 hours. Google said it was due to road closures, which, late at night, did not make sense. Croatia has a fantastic, continually updated highway website HAK.hr. However, it indicated no issues on the original path, so we continued as planned and did not encounter any closures or construction.
  • Croatia is a country of deep personal faith, a defining aspect of the Croatian identity. During the Yugoslav occupation, outward displays of faith were discouraged, and once independent, they passionately celebrated their faith. It is poignant to observe.
  • Croatia has an internationally renowned term, ‘Fijaka,’ for a relaxed state of body and mind best described as the ‘sweetness of doing nothing or being in a ‘day-dreamy state.’ The pace is comfortable in all interactions you will have.
  • Croatians are confident, calm, trusting people who are welcoming, engaging, and kind.
  • They are fiercely independent and proud with a long, storied history. Croatia was at war not 30 years ago. The wounds of war are still visible in many cities and very fresh in their hearts.
  • They are confident but, at the same time, seem to be humble. There is no sense of arrogance.
  • Soccer is life to the Croats. They are passionate about this sport.
  • Family is core in Croatia. Children are always present, even late into the evening, and lots of them! They were always polite and well-behaved.
  • Croatia is an animal-loving country. Lots of dogs and cats out and about.
  • Croatian food is central to their culture and heritage. There is a strong Italian influence; pizza is everywhere.
  • Croats are proud of their cuisine. Deservedly so; it was a huge highlight of our trip there.
  • Though truffles from Istria are more on the map and sold outside of Croatia, they remain affordable at local eateries. Find the time to enjoy these delicacies when in this region.
  • There are lots of smokers in this country. Nevertheless, we rarely find it an issue as most restaurants and tourist sites do not allow smoking.
  • They speak excellent English almost everywhere!
  • It is a very safe country. Croatia is the 22nd safest country in the world.

Croatia Essential Info

U.S. Consular Emergency
The 24-hour number from a U.S. Phone is 1-888-407-4747
Outside of the U.S., 011-202-501-4444

U.S. Embassy Zagreb
Address U.I. Thomasa Jefferson 2 Zagreb
Phone +385 1 6612 200
No Consulate offices in Croatia

Emergency Numbers
Medical 194 Police 192 Road Assistance 1987

Country Code

Time Zone

Right side

Adaptors for Croatia
“Standard” Euro plug
Type C or F

Tourism Office
New York Office phone 212 279 8672 

When to go to Croatia

Croatia has recently gained popularity, especially since it was a prominent filming location for Games of Thrones. In areas like Dubrovnik and Split, you can expect dense crowds and long lines at the peak of the tourist season. The best time to visit is from April to June and September to early November. This is often referred to as the shoulder season. You will find fewer crowds, lovely weather, and easy access to most sights.

Due to the Adriatic Sea, the weather is often relatively mild in Croatia from April through October. Spring can still be cool, but a simple jacket takes care of that. The weather in Croatia very much has seasons, and you should plan when packing. Winter is mild and cold and can be perfect for visiting ski resorts in central Croatia.

  • Summer 62-83 °F (25-30 C)
  • Spring 40-73 °F (17-23 C)
  • Fall 42-73 °F (14-25 C)
  • Winter 31-46 °F (9-14 C)

Our Favorite Croatia Travel Resources

This resource section contains some Amazon affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

Croatia Travel Books/Guides

Before every trip, we order at least five travel guides to research our trip. Of course, Croatia was no different. Only the best two make the trip with us. Making that cut can be challenging, but it was easy on this trip as these two books met all our requirements.

Croatia travel, Croatia Travel Guide Moon Croatia and Slovenia-Montenegro by Shann Fountain Alipour

We cannot recommend this book enough; it is the perfect Croatia resource. The guide is full of beautiful photographs and detailed strategic guidance to help you plan every detail and visually get drawn into Croatia. For history buffs, it provides just the right amount of background to tickle your fancy. This book made the cut to travel with us, and we used it frequently. A big fan of the Moon Guides, which is one of the best ones we have used. Discover this excellent travel guide here.

Croatia travel Rick Steves Croatia & Slovenia by Rick Steves and Cameron Hewitt

Full disclosure: we are huge Rick Steve fans, it will be rare we do not recommend one of his wonderful guides, and it is no different for Croatia. We love his travel style and perspective. His off-the-beaten-path approach and his independent travel philosophy match well with how we travel. The guides never disappoint. This book made the cut into our suitcase and was a fantastic resource. Find this must-have guide here.

Our Favorite Croatia Travel Websites

1. Total Croatia News

2. Croatia Tourism

3. U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs Croatia Country Info

We cannot encourage you enough to visit this website as you plan and prepare for your trip. The U.S. Federal Government addresses the safety, security, travel risk, entry, exit, visa documents mandates, emergency U.S. and Embassy contacts, health, local laws, special circumstances, threats, traveler vulnerabilities, government warnings, and transportation in Croatia. This is your best and most reliable resource for all this important info. Check back often before you go, as things can change quickly. Being prepared is essential in all travel, but especially internationally.

Croatia International Travel Information (state.gov)

4. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travelers Health Resource

This CDC travel resource provides essential health info for your specific destination. Using their tool, you can determine which vaccines, medications, and health advice recommendations are needed for Croatia.

CDC’s Travelers Health Page for Croatia

Our Favorite Croatia Travel Maps

Croatia travel Michelin Croatia Map 757 Easy to read the map with practical road and travel information. Castles were marked as well as all major destinations. Though we default to Google Maps, this came in handy when service was poor or during construction detours. Find this essential map here.

Our Favorite Apps

Rome2rio: Trip Planner Trip and Holiday Organizer Enter any address, landmark, or city in the App will instantly display all your travel options, and booking info, along with accommodation providers and things to do. Find on your local app store.

Rick Steve’s Audio Europe This App includes a vast library of Rick Steve’s audio content. Get cultural and travel info. Includes self-guided tours of top attractions and historic walks. A must-have. Find on your local app store.

Croatia News This App keeps you updated on recent happenings and news stories about Croatia.

Google Translate We use this often to practice proper pronunciations of Croatian words. As we always encourage, learning the basics of greeting and thanking people in the local language is essential. Google Translate was an easy app to use. If needed, you can enter text in English, which will speak back in Croatian to aid in communicating with locals. Furthermore, it came in very handy to translate text into images instantly.

Do you have a favorite Croatia travel resource? Share your favorites in the comments section at the bottom of this page or

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