
Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Kosovo Visitor Guide and Photo Gallery

Kosovo is a small country but it also has a lot of riches that were granted to us by God.

Ibrahim Rugova
Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

As part of our guest writers series, we welcome Ryan and Megi and their Kosovo visitors guide. They had the fantastic opportunity to present at an international cybersecurity conference in Kosovo. Officially known as the Republic of Kosovo, it is a partially recognized state in Southeast Europe in the center of the Balkans. Its border neighbors are Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, and Serbia. It unilaterally declared its independence in 2008, making it one of the world’s youngest countries.

Ryan and Megi stayed for a few days extra to visit the area. Since we had never known anyone to visit this Balkan area, we asked if they would be willing to write a blog post about their visit. We were thrilled when they said yes. Without giving away too much, they loved their time in Kosovo and found the country remarkable, and its people were warm and welcoming. But let’s hear it from them…..

All photos, unless otherwise stated, were taken by Megi and Ryan.

An exciting opportunity at a crazy time

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Monument to their new birth as a nation

As a part of our Arizona State University engineering program, all seniors must participate in a year-long group project called Capstone. Throughout the year, our group of four students created a project focused on our interest in cybersecurity. We were selected to present our project at a local security conference in Arizona. While at the conference, we were approached by a cybersecurity professional from Kosovo. He was organizing a conference in his home country and invited us to present our project.

Being invited to present at an international conference was a huge honor, but the timing could not have been worse. The Kosovo conference was during finals week of our senior year. What made it impossible to resist was the conference invitation covering the cost of our flights and hotels. That sealed the deal; there was no way we were missing out on this fantastic opportunity.

While Ryan wasn’t as familiar with the area, Megi is from Albania and knows about Kosovo, as it is one of Albania’s neighbors. Kosovo’s official language is Albanian. The conference was held in Prishtina (Pristina/Pristine; the spelling differs based on region and language), the capital of Kosovo. 

Map of Kosovo

Kosovo’s turbulent history

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

The area in and around Kosovo has been inhabited for nearly 10,000 years, dating back to the Neolithic age. Bronze and Iron Age tombs have been found in the area. Its ideal geostrategic position and abundance of natural resources were ideal in prehistoric periods. Hundreds of archaeological sites have been discovered and identified throughout Kosovo. 

After serving as the center of a medieval Serbian empire, Kosovo was then ruled by the Ottoman Empire from the mid-15th to the early 20th century. During this period, Islam grew in importance, and the population of Albanian speakers in the region increased.

Conflicts and wars in recent centuries

In the 1800s, Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia, encompassing some of Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia. In the 1900s, a territorial war broke out, which resulted in years of battles between the people of Kosovo, who wanted to establish their independent nation, and Serbia, who wished for the land for themselves. However, the area was sacred to the Serbs; the president of Serbia refused to recognize the rights of the majority. Instead, he wanted to replace Albanian culture and language with Serbian institutions.

Kosovo has suffered greatly at the hands of the Serbians, who refuse to recognize its existence. The Kosovo War happened in 1998 and 1999, resulting in the tragic death of some 10,000 people. In 1999, NATO conducted a 78-day war against Serbia to prevent genocide in Kosovo against ethnic Albanians. Kosovo, formerly a province of Serbia and later part of Yugoslavia, had a majority of Muslim Albanians.

Kosovo refuses to relinquish its independence and is in the process of attaining NATO membership to preserve regional security.

An independent state
Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

While visiting, we met many Kosovo citizens (Kosovars) eager to talk about their rich history. As a young nation with recent conflicts, many locals you will meet have personally experienced the battles this country has endured to achieve its independence.

After years of an ugly and brutal war, Kosovo finally gained independence in February 2008. As Serbia is on Kosovo’s north border, that region of Kosovo is still contested, with Serbia refusing to acknowledge Kosovo and continuing to lay claim to the country. This often leads to Serbia-Kosovo border skirmishes, resulting in warnings to avoid north Kosovo if possible.

As of 2020, Kosovo is only partially recognized as an independent state by 97 out of the 193 United Nations member states. The border neighbors of Albania, North Macedonia, and Montenegro have no issues with an independent Kosovo. In total, 112 UN member states have recognized Kosovo at some point, of which 15 later withdrew their recognition. Some countries unwilling to accept their sovereignty include their border neighbors, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia, and the larger nations of India and Russia.

This northern border tension tends to draw negative attention to the country’s safety, with the U.S. issuing a Level 2 travel advisory due to the threat of terrorism in Kosovo at the time of this post. That may sound scary, but it is best to keep it in perspective; it is the same level as France. However, rest assured that this was not our experience, and we always felt safe. Though we saw no threats, we were recommended to avoid discussing the Serbian-Kosovo conflict as many Kosovars hold strong feelings on the topic.

The Kosovars

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

We found the people of Kosovo were incredibly kind and friendly. They are hospitable and very talkative. Don’t be surprised if a stranger approaches you and starts chatting. In many places in Europe, this would never occur. But here in Kosovo, they engage you out of curiosity. They want to learn about your origins and are genuinely interested in what brought you here.

Many Kosovars can speak and understand basic English, so communication was not an issue at restaurants, stores, or hotels. The people of Kosovo are strongly motivated to find their place in the world. They are expanding tourism and preparing their country to become global citizens.

Culturally, this is a country that holds a strong Muslim faith. Islam in Kosovo dates back to the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans. Today, 95.6% of Kosovo’s population are Muslims, mostly ethnic Albanians. There were also Slavic-speaking Muslims who allied themselves with Bosniaks and Gorani, and Turks. Kosovo, while a dominantly Muslim country, is very secular. Many local women dress in Western attire, but some women dress modestly and wear hijab.

A young industrialized nation

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Despite Kosovo’s very recent statehood, the country is very industrialized. There is easy access to electricity, water (though it is recommended to buy bottled water for drinking), transportation, food, and more. New buildings are being constructed in the city to support the influx of people and businesses.

Walking along the streets, you will find plenty of people out and about, often dressed formally, even if only for an afternoon stroll. We did not see any homeless people during our time, although the occasional beggar may come by restaurants to ask for money. A decent number of stray dogs were walking the streets but showed no aggression toward the public. The government is currently funding programs to vaccinate, tag, spay, and neuter them (although it is still advised not to attempt to engage with them). 

Facts about Kosovo

  • Kosovo is about the size of Jamaica (~6875 sq miles) and is slightly larger than the state of Delaware. It has a population of just under 2 million people.
  • The currency is the Euro.
  • While Albanian is the primary language spoken, Kosovo’s official languages are Albanian, Serbian, and English, and many schools even require English teaching. 
  • Most of the country’s population is Albanian, and the majority of the population lives under the poverty line.
  • Due to its geographical location, Kosovo is an essential link between central and southern Europe, the Black Sea, and the Adriatic Sea.
  • Unlike most counties, Kosovo only has one annual federal tax based on your income. Coupled with the low cost of living, many citizens do not want to leave the country for jobs, leading companies to come to Kosovo instead.
  • According to locals, over 30% of Prishtina’s industry is technology-related, and this percentage is constantly on the rise. This leads to considerable industry draw to the area (as well as technology-related events such as the one we were invited to).
  • More than 70% of the country’s population is under the age of 35, making it the youngest country in Europe.
  • The name “Kosovo” derives from a place in Serbia, meaning “field of blackbirds.”
  • Limestone caves are abundant and can be found in several parts of the country. The Marble Cave, a karst limestone cave in Kosovo, is a famous tourist destination. A villager found the cave in 1966.
  • About 40% of the country is covered by forest. The majority of the trees in the forests are oak and pines, and they are located in southwestern Kosovo.

What we visited in Kosovo

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

The Capital City of Prishtina is full of lively young people. Modern, shiny luxury hotels and contemporary art are alongside crumbling Soviet-style buildings. Strolling in the old part of Prishtina, where a handful of old-style houses with older men sitting out front will take you back in time.

Stop by the Newborn Monument in the center of the city – a tall typographic sculpture representing the birth of the new nation of Kosovo. The monument was unveiled on 17 February 2008, when Kosovo formally declared its independence from Serbia. It is freshly painted each year with a new theme on the anniversary of Kosovo’s independence. One year, it was painted with the flags of the nations that recognized Kosovo. After visiting the monument, head over to Bill Clinton Boulevard, where you will find the statue of Bill Clinton waving. This American president is adored here as he came to the aid of Kosovo during the 1999 war with Serbia despite not being part of NATO.

Nature in the city

Explore Prishtina’s Germia Park, a popular regional park and the biggest in Prishtina. It is located northeast of Prishtina and covers an area of about 39 sq miles (62 sq. km). This mountain massif is a part of the Rhodope Mountains. We were surprised to see a big park just 20 minutes from our hotel (the center).

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Germia Park is a great escape from the city with much to offer. The Germia massif is known for its biodiversity and is designated as a protected landscape. The park has a rich fauna with 63 species of animals and a variety of about 600 species of flora. Walking/running trails, playgrounds, sports courts, an amphitheater, and breathtaking views exist. You will also find cafes and restaurants.

We took a short route and discovered some buildings that were half destroyed among the beautiful tall trees. Our host said those were unfinished or destroyed Serbian buildings from the war. According to him, many Serbian missiles were directed at this park. Mines were planted in the park by the Serbians to control the area. Until 2008 it was hazardous to walk around the park as you could risk stepping on them. However, they were cleaned up after the war, and now it is entirely safe to visit.  

Partaking in everyday life
Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Cappuccino at Mon Cheri Cafe

Enjoy café life. Kosovo is known for its young, dynamic city life (don’t forget that 75% of the population is under 35 years old). The coffee shop scene in Prishtina is gaining momentum with its excellent coffee but also for its superb coffee its bohemian ambiance. Kosovars often sit over a single espresso or cappuccino for an hour, chatting with friends. Check out the Santea neighborhood, where an older district is being transformed into a place to be. (Learn more about Cafe Life in Kosovo further down the page)

Talk with the locals. The locals are amiable and love to talk with visitors, especially Americans. Most Kosovars are familiar with Peace Corps volunteers and people from the U.N. or N.G.O.s living or working in their country. They are also slightly intrigued by Kosovo tourism since it’s a relatively recent phenomenon.

Shopping in Prishtina: Just walk around, and you will see plenty of stores and shops to stop by. There is also a big mall a few miles away.

Our experiences outside of the capital city
Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Wander the city of Prizren. The conference organizer planned a day trip to beautiful Prizren for us. This city is about two hours away from Prishtina. He rented a private bus for all of us, which made this experience unforgettable since we got to know the other speakers on the bus. On the way to Prizren, we sang Albanian songs, which was so much fun.

Immediately after stepping outside the bus, we noticed a different vibe from Prishtina. Prizren’s main attraction is the river canal that splits the city into two parts. On each side of this canal, you will find beautiful pedestrian cobblestone streets that lead to many stores, restaurants, and coffee shops on the other side of the city. Prizren is one of the most picturesque places to visit in Kosovo due to its gorgeous Ottoman-influenced architecture.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Prizren Castle on the hill
There is even a Castle

Visit the Castle Fortress in Prizren. Finding our way to the castle required a little hiking since the castle was on top of a mountain with an altitude of 1722 feet (525 m). On our way there we saw nice houses on the hill and enjoyed a lovely view of the city. What stood out were the many mosque towers (part of the architecture of a mosque where the prayers are announced for the whole city to hear). A resident confirmed that there are more than 40 mosques just in the city of Prizren. Kosovo’s primary religion is Muslim (96.6% of the population).  

The Castle of Prizren was built in the 6th century and was used to protect the city from foreign attacks. Although the Serbians destroyed the castle during the war, it has been reconstructed. The Prizren castle is known for the number of underground tunnels (called “bunkers”), which were a part of the defensive military fortification to protect people and weapons during the infamous war with Serbia. Entry to the castle was free, and we got to see the observation points of the castle and enjoyed a 360-degree view of the city of Prizren. 

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Diplomatic home

Take in the Lidhja e Prizrenit Museum (The League of Prizren Museum). This is the building where an intellectual group, The League of Prizren, would meet to defend Albanian rights and plan for a United Albanian territory. The League of Prizren was founded in 1878, and this building served as a home to many diplomatic meetings and the united Albanian dream. It was destroyed during the war. However, the Lidhja e Prizrenit building was reconstructed and is now a historical museum with items that were retained from the war. Tickets were 2 euros per person, giving us access to two buildings. Traditional Albanian clothing and drawings of men fighting in the war were on display, among other items.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Image from Adobe Photo Stock
Hiking anyone?

Hike the Mali I Sharrit Mountains (Sar Mountains). After spending most of the day in Prizren, there was one last stop just 30 minutes away. Sar Mountains have a peak of 8697 feet (2651 m). We visited in late April and could still see snow on the mountains. The bus driver gave us a ride to the furthest point a car could go, with a restaurant and locals selling honey.

The temperature was in the 50s, but the snow depth was about 20 inches during our short hike. While enjoying the beautiful lush green views of the Sar Mountains, we also met many beautiful dogs wandering around in the big grassy fields. We stopped by to buy authentic homemade honey on our way down from our hike and were given various samples to see what we preferred. We found the taste was different from the typical pre-packaged honey in the U.S.; it leaves a yummy and non-sweet aftertaste. A jar of honey costs 10 Euros, which is a reasonable price for the quality. 

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Skiing anyone?

Ski the slopes in Bjeshkët e Sharrit Mountains (Sar Mountains). The ski resorts in Bjeshkët e Sharrit Mountains, also known as Sar Mountains, offer Alpine-style accommodations and new slopes to explore for less than half of the price you would pay in other European nations. The ski resort of Brezovica has skiing for all levels. The highest point of the resort is 7,200 feet (2,400 m).

Some other fun suggestions

Though we didn’t get to do these during our limited time, here are other great suggestions when visiting Kosovo.

Visit the Anthropology Museum in Prishtina. This museum has free entry and includes a personal guided tour, sometimes by the curator himself. It’s a great insight into Albanian Kosovars’ traditional way of life. You can see what traditional homes look like, wedding dresses, traditional jewelry, and many other fascinating historical items!

Seek out a traditional bazaar. It is a sight for the eyes and senses—a place to truly see what life is like for the Kosovars.

Mosques are just some of Kosovo’s undiscovered gems. Kosovo has many lovely mosques that are very welcoming to visitors.

Explore the Wine Country. As a result of the abundance of sunshine, the growing environment for grape vines is ideal. The leading wine-producing area is the Rahovec Valley, also known as Orahovac, where you can tour four wineries, the most famous being Stone Castle Winery.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
The Patriarchate of Pec Monastery in Kosovo, WH UNESCO Image from Adobe Photo Stock

Serbian Orthodox Churches The Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo are beautiful and historic, although they represent a painful period for the Kosovars. The Peć Patriarchate in Peja is especially spectacular. These churches were built during the Serbian occupation when the rulers forced, at times violently, all Kosovars to convert to Christianity. Some churches have been vandalized as they represent the cruelty brought upon the people of Kosovo, but others see them as holy places that should be protected.

Enjoying the natural beauty

Walk in the Prokletije Mountains. Also known as the Accursed Mountains, this countrywide network of ancient shepherds’ trails rarely has tourists. The mountain village of Bogë is a perfect place for chalet-style hotels surrounded by snow-covered peaks. If you hike to the Mirusha Waterfalls, you will be rewarded with a sweet swimming spot popular with locals.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Go Caving in Peja. Peja will one day become Kosovo’s adventure hotspot. The nearby Rugova Canyon is gorgeous and has plenty of outdoor activities. Discover the crystals, stalactites, and stalagmites while searching for underwater waterfalls and lakes in this cave. Day trips with tour companies are very affordable because of Kosovo’s low cost of living.

Wander to the rural countryside. The modern city of Prishtina rapidly turns into rolling hills. Farmers herd goats, sheep, and cows hang out on abandoned fortresses, such as Novo Brdo. The countryside has a charm and simplicity that is quite captivating.

Hike the many Kosovos Mountains; Kosovo’s terrain is mountainous and lovely, with tons of potential for hiking. It is best to take an organized tour to get the most out of your visit.

Visit Rugova Canyon. With its length of over 15 miles and depth of 3,300 feet, Rugova is one of the most impressive canyons in Europe. The waters of the Peć Bistrica River have cut their way through the mountains, making the setting breathtaking. The town of Peja is a good starting point for a hike along the canyon and the surrounding mountains.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

The Cafe Culture of Kosovo

Coffee in Kosovo is by far the most desired drink, but it is not just about the drink but the culture and traditions surrounding it. Going on “coffee dates” is one of the most popular activities for locals. There is even a saying that Kosovars commonly use, “Let’s go for a coffee.” In Kosovo, coffee shops are at the core of the community. It is a place to gather with friends, have a business meeting, or read a book.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

There are, on average, three to four coffee shops per block in Kosovo, making it convenient to stop by on a busy day of sightseeing. Megi, being from Albania, was not surprised to see the number of people spending time at coffee shops. However, after living in the U.S. for a while, she noted a big cultural difference. In Kosovo, people start their day by going to a coffee shop to meet a couple of friends or their significant others and spend 1-2 hours there. It’s not just about getting caffeinated; it is about the routine of “enjoying” coffee, dressing up nicely, sharing a story or two, and, well, you are in Europe, smoking a cigarette too. 

An interesting side fact. The government is working hard to reduce smoking. Recently, some legislation was passed that banned indoor smoking, especially in restaurants and cafés, to reduce smoking habits and make locations family/children friendly. Many people are extremely unhappy with this and are boycotting locations that enforce these rules. As a result, many establishments build outdoor patios or “enclosed” sections to allow for smoking while still keeping the indoor area smoke-free to appease more customers.

The macchiato

Kosovar’s favorite coffee is a macchiato, an espresso shot mixed with boiled foamy milk. The coffee size is much smaller than what we traditionally see in the U.S. In Kosovo, coffee is served in small espresso cups, similar to much of Europe. Megi has lived in Albania for 19 years, traveled throughout Europe (including Italy), and has been a coffee drinker for over eight years. She can confidentially say that Kosovo’s coffee is one of the best coffees she has ever had. Their macchiato is creamy, the coffee tastes strong, and the aroma is of freshly roasted coffee beans. The fantastic coffee taste and the bean strength make up for the small cup size. Due to this, one shot will be plenty to provide the energy needed to get going for the whole day.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Mon Cheri Cafe

Our preferred coffee shop

Our favorite coffee shop in Kosovo was Mon Cheri in Prishtina. The contemporary French design, cozy ambiance, and bookshelf in the back made it unique from the other numerous coffee shops. We bought a bag of cookies and enjoyed a large Macchiato for a few hours. What adds to the pleasure of drinking coffee at Mon Cheri and all the other coffee shops in Kosovo is that they use real mugs. To-go paper coffee cups are not popular here since most people like to savor their time and relax when enjoying their coffee. 

There are two popular times to get coffee: the morning (from 6 am to 11 am) and the afternoon (from 5 pm to 8 pm). Just like in most Western European countries, it is customary that coffee is consumed with a cookie or croissant, especially in the morning. However, some Kosovars think that the excellence of the coffee with anything else will “ruin” the taste. 

Our favorite experiences

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Prizren, Kosovo Image from Adobe Stock Photos

Kosovo is beautiful and has much to offer, whether you’re looking for a city vibe or steep hiking mountains. Some of our favorites and we feel are must-do activities were:

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
  • Prishtina: The NEWBORN sign downtown signifies Kosovo’s independence. Around the tall NEWBORN display, you will find many historical monuments and parks worth visiting.
  • Prishtina: We thoroughly enjoyed all the traditional local restaurants we ate at. We loved the “fli,” “suxhuk,” and our daily macchiato.
  • Prizren: The Castle of Prizren, “Lidhja e Prizrenit,” and take a stroll by the canal. The path will take you around beautiful shops and restaurants. We wish we had gone to a mosque for a visit but couldn’t make time for it. However, seeing the architecture from the outside was very enjoyable. 
  • Near Prizren: Mali I Sharrit “Sar Mountain” park; though it was only a short hike, we loved the stunning scenery and adored trying out the local honey.
Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

An inexpensive place to eat and play

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

The low cost of living was a pleasant surprise. Therefore, food, shopping, hotels, and other necessities were affordable compared to some U.S. counterpart stores/restaurants. This allowed us, as college students, to experience their culturally diverse food options, tourist locations, and shops with more freedom.

If you click on the Expedia link farther down the page, you will be shocked at how low the accommodation prices are per night. Since we had our trip covered, we were unaware of how reasonable the cost was until we wrote this blog post.

How to get to and around Kosovo

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Transport from other countries was relatively easy with several options and airlines. The Kosovo airport is smaller, so there is a good chance you will have to land in a different country before flying to Kosovo. We transited through Turkey to get to Kosovo.

The Kosovo airport is very modern; all signs are Albanian and English. Plenty of taxis and even drivers are waiting right out of the gate.


In terms of getting to Kosovo, make sure you check your home country’s policies. As Kosovo is still a relatively new county, not all countries recognize it as an independent state, and if they don’t, you will likely need to take extra steps to get a Kosovo Visa. Travelers with a United States passport at the time of this post will not need a visa or take any additional steps to visit.
Driving in Kosovo
Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Driving in Kosovo is not something a foreigner should attempt in the city. The streets are very narrow and congested, with confusing traffic signs. Due to many accidents, there has been a recent push to enforce stricter speeding laws. We found that there are plenty of erratic drivers.

There are very few parking spaces in Prishtina. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see dozens of cars parked halfway up sidewalks.

There is no Uber or similar service; however, taxis are everywhere and available by phone call. Most hotels can call one for you, or you can find one by walking around. They are very cheap compared to most taxis in the States. They will charge more for popular places, especially the airport.

Private tour companies can drive you or your group to various cities for longer excursions across the country. Public buses are also available within major cities, but we did not use them, so we can’t speak to personal experience.

Kosovo cuisine at its best

Kosovo’s food is a mixture of Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine, with specialties primarily meat and bread. Like the rest of the Balkans, Kosovars love their meat, and they love it grilled.

Our first meal in Kosovo was breakfast, which was included with our hotel stay. It contained sourdough bread, eggs, chicken sausage (pork sausage is not an option in most restaurants for religious reasons), cheese, butter, jam, and espresso. We enjoyed our breakfasts here; however, they were not typical breakfast food except for the espresso. Make sure to branch out from the hotel breakfast and experience more traditional breakfast experiences in Kosovo.

The photos above show several meals we had during our visit and some settings we were in.

Our first lunch in Kosovo at the conference began our exposure to some local food. They served traditional local food as well as some standard conference fare. Some traditional food they served were fli, pite (pie, usually stuffed with cheese or cheese and spinach), feta cheese, giant pretzels, and baklava (dessert). It was a delicious and plentiful launch into our hunt for more local food experiences.

What is not to love about fli?

All you need is one bite of fli (also called flija or flia) to fall in love with this dish. Kosovo’s most popular and authentic dish, fli, is made of crepe-like layers separated by cream. Alternating layers of batter and cream are filled into a pan and baked one layer at a time over 5 to 6 hours. The locals describe this process as time-consuming but worth the time. Each layer is soft and moist. It is served with sour cream and butter. 

Our favorite restaurant


One of our favorite meals and restaurants in Prishtina was at Shpija e Vjeter, which translates to “The Old House.” Our conference host recommended this restaurant, which was only a 6-minute walk from our hotel and surrounded by countless other restaurants and shops. It was our first time at a restaurant, so we were eager to try a little bit of everything, and because the prices were reasonable, it made it possible.

First, we got some appetizers that included pogacha bread (this is like the chips and salsa of Mexican food; most people eat bread at each meal in Kosovo), yellow pepper sauce (their most popular pepper and heavy cream sauce), and a salad with feta cheese. We loved dipping the bread in the ajvar sauce (made with sweet red peppers and eggplant); however, Megi, a feta cheese freak, enjoyed the combo of pogacha bread and cheese the most.

For our main dishes, we got beefsteak with potatoes and vegetables (11.50 Euros) and beef pot roast with potatoes and vegetables (7.00 Euros). The meat was delicious; the main difference was the meat texture; we liked the beefsteak better as it was more tender, and the sauce tasted better. In addition to the fantastic meal, we enjoyed the ambiance at Shpija e Vjeter, as there was an outdoor area with many living plants. The restaurant was furnished with old items from the 80s, which made the place feel cozy and, as the name says, like an old house. The total cost of our lunch was about 34 Euros (for two people), including our appetizers, main meals, and drinks. Tips are not required in Kosovo, but they are appreciated; we tipped 5 Euros.

Other dining experiences

Another thing we tried during our trip was the Kosovar beef sausage (suxhuk), which is well known not only in Kosovo but in all of Western Europe. Their sausage (suxhuk), Megi’s favorite, has the right amount of spices and a thick texture. It is typically served with sour cream mixed with salt and garlic, so yummy. 

For dinner, we got fli again, and this time, they served it with dhallte (salted yogurt and water drink). For Megi, this tasted delicious, but we wouldn’t recommend it to those who dislike milk or yogurt. Ryan was less of a fan. Overall, the food was excellent, and fli and Kosovo sausage were our favorites. 

Local libation

Those interested in what might be a traditional local libation should seek out Rakia. Rakia (or rakija) is a way of life in the Balkans and an unavoidable part of Kosovo travel. Some hardcore Kosovar people even have it in the morning, claiming it kills the bacteria in your stomach. It is a powerful spirit and not entirely pleasant straight-u unless you enjoy it in cocktails like a Pear Rakia.

Nightlife in Kosovo

Kosovo’s nightlife is trendy, especially on weekends. A typical weekend night out includes dancing and drinking a beer or two. We didn’t go out much on our trip since we had finals and a conference presentation to prepare for. However, one evening, we could not resist. Along with other conference speakers, we visited a bar and tasted the nightlife in Kosovo.

The bar we went to in Prishtina was called Rockuzinë, a rock music club that translates to Rock Cuisine. They had live music and were primarily attended by young people (ages 18-30). The bar was small so it could get crowded at times. They offered typical bar drinks, and we got giggles from the server when we ordered coffee and apple juice; they didn’t have either. Rockkuzine was among the most popular bars, according to the conference host who invited us. The location was not very convenient as it was not close to other bars/restaurants; it was off the freeway, about 10 10-minute walk from the other restaurants and coffee shops. Overall, we liked the ambiance of this bar and would recommend it if you enjoy rock music.

Where to Stay in Kosovo

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

While we can’t speak much about the overall quality of hotels in the city (as we had everything organized for us), we can speak about the hotel we stayed at, Hotel City. Hotel City is located near the heart of Prishtina and offers modern rooms. A restaurant/café on the bottom floor provides complimentary breakfast. Next door is a small grocery store that contains food, snacks, drinks, and toiletries. There is also a service to travel back to the airport, and the front desk will call a taxi to visit the city.

It is important to price out accommodations on various sites. Expedia is a US-based company, whereas Booking.com is Europe-based. Not all properties appear on both, so it is ideal to check both out. Our personal first choice is Booking.com. If the establishment has a website, check the price there as well. Click the link below to check out hotels and vacation homes in the area. It may be just the motivation you need to start planning that next grand adventure.

What is the weather like in Kosovo?

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Kosovo’s geographical location is influenced by continental air masses, resulting in relatively cold winters with heavy snowfall and hot, dry summers and falls. Kosovo has 270 days of sunshine a year. Be warned; the summers are scorching hot. Staying hydrated is very important. The Mediterranean and alpine influences create regional variation. The highest rainfall is between October and December.

The ideal time to visit is late Spring and early fall. There is no peak tourist season because the country has not yet made it on the tourism map. That said, it is one of the last European secrets, and on top of being unspoiled and unexplored, it offers many things for visitors to do throughout the year. Spring and summer are the best seasons for festivals and outdoor activities, and fall and winter are perfect for skiing and visiting museums. 

Safety Concerns

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Though the warnings about traveling to Kosovo seemed scary, we never had any concerns there. We felt welcomed and safe everywhere.

Those interested in the U.S. State Department warning can get complete information by clicking here.

When traveling out of the U.S., we strongly recommend registering with the State Department through a program called Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, better known as STEP. It logs in a report (for free) of where and for how long you will be there in the case a major emergency occurs. You may also register who you are with. This way, the U.S. Government will know that you are in the country and have a way to contact and find you in case of an emergency, either back home or where you are located. It offers other protections as well. We registered and found it user-friendly. Learn more about this quick and free program from the blog post, Smart Travelers Enrollment Program.

Importance of Travel Insurance

As with any travel, having good travel insurance is essential. If health problems occur, it would be ideal to have a policy of evacuating to a more modern health system in neighboring countries. To become an educated consumer and learn where to buy the best coverage at a low cost, check out the blog post Travel Insurance: Protecting You and Yours.

In Ryan’s case, he bought a membership with MedJet Horizon. It provided peace of mind with the political unrest happening in the world. The membership covered medical evacuation back to any hospital you chose in the U.S., as is standard with MedJet Assist. It also covers worldwide travel security, crisis response, and evacuation services in cases of terrorism, natural disasters, violent crime, and other safety concerns. The cost was $184, covering up to $60,000 of medical expenses that could occur before being medically transported out of the country and back to a U.S. hospital. To learn more about MedJet, check out the blog post, Global Medical Evacuation Coverage for Travelers: A frank discussion.

Cell service was excellent.

You must contact your cell provider to set up an international roaming plan or use Wi-Fi. We had no problems with our roaming plans (Version and T-Mobile); most shops/restaurants have free Wi-Fi.

Final Thoughts

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo

Overall, Kosovo is a fantastic destination, boasting a thriving city and beautiful, picturesque nature just an hour outside its capital, Prishtina. The country’s rich and recent history adds to its unique charm and creates a culture of unity and pride in its citizens.

Kosovo welcomes visitors with a growing tourism industry and plenty of opportunities to explore this fascinating young country. There is something for everyone, no matter your age or interests. Although our experience was brief and filled with schoolwork, it still managed to leave an impact and a desire to return. As Kosovo adapts to the technology age, the industry is drawn to it, bringing employment, innovation, and attention, ensuring its spot as a global player.

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About our guest authors, Megi and Ryan

Megi is from Albania and came to Arizona in 2018 to attend Arizona State University. Leaving her homeland to attend college in a foreign country speaks to her sense of adventure. She graduated in 2022 with a B.S.E. in Computer Systems Engineering with an emphasis in cybersecurity. She has decided to stay in the U.S. to start her career in cybersecurity. Before starting her new job, she spent some of the summer months visiting family and friends in Albania. She is excited to begin this next chapter of her life.

Ryan was born in Arizona and attended Arizona State University. He graduated in 2022 with a B.S.E. in Computer Systems Engineering with an emphasis in cybersecurity, along with two minors in French and Engineering Management. After graduating, Ryan spent time on a family trip to Ireland, followed by some downtime at home before starting his new career. Ryan will start his new job in cybersecurity in the fall.

Megi and Ryan met and became friends when they both had summer internships at the same company in Arizona. They must have made quite the impression as they both were offered and accepted full-time jobs there after graduation.

During their last year of college, they landed on the same team for their senior project. They never imagined that their senior project would result in invitations to present internationally and at conferences in the U.S. They aced the presentation and had an adventure they will never forget. Anyone interested can view their senior project presentation in Kosovo at this link.

Kosovo, Best things to do and see in Kosovo
Ryan and Megi.
We sincerely appreciate Megi and Ryan for sharing their unique experiences in Kosovo. Hopefully, we can visit ourselves in the next few years. It would be fun to explore all it has to offer, take incredible photos, meet the people of Kosovo, experience the culture, and tell its story.

Wanderers Compass

For more information, check out this tourism site for Kosovo

Want to learn about Wanderers Compass?

Travel Insurance

Our favorite travel insurance site!

We could not be stronger advocates of being well-insured—not just for the little stuff but for the big things like medical emergencies. We never leave home without it. Our go-to place is Squaremouth.com. It does a fantastic job with its user-friendly interface and uses top-rated and reputable insurance carriers. They also mediate on your behalf if you have problems.

To empower you as a consumer, we suggest you read our blog post on the importance of travel insurance and how to get the best coverage from top-rated companies for an affordable price.

Medical transport back home from anywhere in the world

They are the premier global air medical transport. One caveat to travel insurance is that medical evacuation usually gets you to the closest facility to care for you. Medjet gets you back to the U.S. to the hospital of your choice once you are stable enough to fly. A Medjet membership is only for medical transport. Medjet Horizon offers expanded coverage. They have individual trip policies starting at $99 and annual policies for around $300. Most of their policies limit the age to 74.

To learn more about how Medical Evacuation membership with Medjet Assist works, check out our blog post for a more detailed review.  

Accommodations and Airfare

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To learn more about how Daytrip, check out our blog post for a more detailed review.  

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To learn more about how GigSky, check out our blog post for a more detailed review.


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