
Luxembourg Travel Guide

Luxembourg, Luxembourg Travel Guide
Luxembourg, Luxembourg Travel Guide

Luxembourg Motto: We want to remain what we are

Luxembourg, Luxembourg Travel Guide

Top Five Destinations In Luxembourg

  1. Luxembourg City is a small city full of life and beauty. Marvel at its history, ancient fortifications, tree-lined cobblestone streets, and lush parks. Wander the Old Quarter, Parc Merveilleux, and the impressive Citadel. Climb the Corniche walls, visit the remarkable Gate of Grund, or stroll along the river.
  2. Bock Casemates in Luxembourg City is a subterranean defense system made up of 11 miles of tunnels and a fascinating history. It is one of Luxembourg’s most important visitor sites. These underground galleries were carved out in the 17th century under Spanish rule and have been extended twice. There is also an archaeological crypt and an antechamber to the casemates, which are worth adding to your visit.
  3. Vianden Castle and the town of Vianden are some of the most scenic in Luxembourg. They are surrounded by a medieval outer wall with guard towers throughout. The castle, built in the 9th century, sits above the town in all its glory. Take the chairlift and partake in the gorgeous views of the countryside.
  4. Bourscheid Castle This beautifully preserved 10th-century castle is in an area rich with outdoor activities and a charming village.
  5. Echternach This lovely quaint town on the banks of the River, Sure near Germany, is a gem. Step back in time as you wander the winding streets full of lovely old homes and medieval architecture.

Did you know?

Luxembourg Stats

  • Population: 628,381
  • Capital City: Luxembourg
  • Currency Euro (EUR)
  • Government type: Constitutional Monarchy
  • Prime Minister: Xavier Bettel
  • Ethnic groups: Luxembourger 51.1%, Portuguese 15.7%, French 7.5%, Italian 3.6%, Belgian 3.3%, German 2.1%, other 16.7%
  • Language: Luxembourgish (official administrative and judicial language and national language (spoken vernacular) 55.8%, Portuguese 15.7%, French (official administrative, judicial, and legislative language) 12.1%, German (official administrative and judicial language) 3.1%, Italian 2.9%, English 2.1%, other 8.4%, Luxembourgish
  • Religions: Christian (predominantly Roman Catholic) 70.4%, Muslim 2.3%, other (includes Buddhist, folk religions, Hindu, Jewish) 0.5%, none 26.8%
  • State Department Risk Level: 2 due to terrorism.
  • Terrorist groups: N/A
  • GDP 71.10 billion.
  • Luxembourg is the second richest country in the world (GDP per capita).
  • Luxembourg is a landlocked country bordered by Belgium to the West, France to the South, and Germany to the East.
  • Being 1000 square miles, Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world.
  • The state of Rhode Island is a little larger than Luxembourg.
  • It is the only Grand Duchy in the world.
  • Luxembourg is one of the world’s major financial and business centers and a tax haven.
  • Leading industries include banking and financial, steel, chemical, information technology, and agriculture.
  • Inventions: self-disinfecting masks, freezer pops, the pool noodle, slip, and slide.
  • Forests cover more than one-third of this tiny country.
  • The world’s top steel-producing company is based in Luxembourg.
  • Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in the European Union.
  • Life expectancy is 82 years old.
  • Literacy rate 99%.

Fun Facts

  • Visit Restaurant Chiggeri in Luxembourg’s capital city, and you can order wine from the world’s largest wine list. It offers more than 2,200 choices.
  •  Le Chemin de la Corniche is a pedestrian walkway built along the ramparts’ tops on the eastern side of Le Chemin’s fortress city. Its nickname is “Europe’s most beautiful balcony.” We totally agree.
  • It has the second-largest cigarette consumption per capita in the world.
  • Nearly half of Luxembourg’s workforce commutes to work in Luxembourg from another country.
  • Luxembourg became one of the leading backers of international cooperation after World War II.
  • All of Luxembourg City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its historic fortifications and old quarters.
  • Most Luxembourgans are typically tri-lingual. French, German, and Luxembourgish.
  • Luxembourg has the highest rate of car ownership in the world.
  • The highest court in the E.U. in matters of E.U. law is in Luxembourg.
  • The country’s name originated from the Lucilinburhuc (“little fortress”) castle, which Siegfried, count of Ardennes, bought in 963 C.E., and which marked the foundation of Luxembourg.
  • Luxembourg is among the twelve founding member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
  • Skype’s corporate headquarters and the European headquarters of Amazon and Paypal, to name a few, are based in Luxembourg because it is a known strong financial center and tax haven.
  • The Bourscheid Castle is the largest of the 75 castles in the country, and it still stands today.
  • The Moselle Valley produces excellent wines from nine grape varieties: Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Gewürztraminer, Auxerrois, Rivaner, Pinot Noir, Elbling, and Chardonnay.
  • Gromperekichelcher – potato pancakes made from potatoes, onions, parsley, egg, and flour – is the national snack.
  • Quetsch is a Luxembourg traditional alcoholic drink made from plums.
  • About 11 miles of underground tunnels are cut from the solid rock under the capital city.

Luxembourg Map

Good to know before you go

  • Tipping does occur in Luxembourg, as opposed to the rest of the E.U. At restaurants and bars, the tip is usually 15%. Hotels 2-3 euros a night for housekeeping and 1-2 euros for a bellhop. Car services and taxis account for about 10% of the total. Spas, personal services, and tipping are not expected.
  • Credit cards are accepted everywhere.
  • Overall, the clothing is stylish and well-kept. Keep in mind that most workers come from out of the country; they don’t reside in the city. We found many people walking around in casual and formal business attire. When dressed outside business attire, there were jeans, trousers, and comfortable shoes. The locals seemed to like brighter colors.
  • Luxembourg has a good network of highways (toll-free) and secondary roads. Speeding and traffic offenses, in general, are subject to hefty fines. You pay on the spot. No getting home and saying, oh well, I’m not going back anytime soon. They have this covered.
  • Luxembourg’s fuel is one of the cheapest in the E.U., so fill it there if you are heading to another country.
  • Family always comes first in Luxembourg; it’s normal for parents to remain deeply involved with their children’s lives and adulthood choices. You may see many families with their children in all settings. The parks were full of families.
  • The people of Luxembourg are private by nature and give off a feeling of being formal and reserved. They are not rude or unfriendly, but their personal expression is held back. Recognize that as who they are and do not take it personally if you don’t feel a strong welcome.  
  • Greetings are more formal, and you do not use first names unless they offer them. The most common greeting is a brief handshake. Touching is not something you will see during conversations, even among close friends. Pointing is impolite to the locals, so avoid that.
  • Certain behaviors will not win favors in Luxembourg. Chewing gum and putting your feet on a chair or table will give you some disapproving looks.
  • Good manners are important to the Luxembourg people, and they practice them as well. Being blunt is considered rude behavior, and punctuality is taken very seriously. If you are late, you are seen as unreliable and should offer an apology and explanation.
  • Bouneshclupp (a green bean soup) and Gromperenzopp (a potato soup with leeks, egg yolks, and cream) are Luxembourg’s specialties.
  •  Another traditional dish, The “Luxembourg Menu,” is a meat platter of cooked and smoked hams, pâté, and sausage served with hard-boiled eggs, pickles, and fresh tomatoes.
  • Table manners are important in Luxembourg. While eating, do not rest your elbows on the table; your hands should be visible at all times and not in your lap. Most foods are eaten with utensils, even sandwiches. You hold your knife in your right hand and your fork in your left when eating. To communicate you have finished eating, lay your knife and fork parallel across the right side of your plate. If attending a formal affair, you will likely be shown to a particular seat.
  • Guest etiquette dictates you must always bring a gift if invited to someone’s home; chocolates or flowers are ideal. Give flowers in odd numbers (but never 13), and don’t bring chrysanthemums, as they are reserved for funerals.
  • Smoking in Luxembourg is prevalent. Smoking in closed public spaces, including bars and cafes, is banned. You can not smoke with children in the car or on the playground. You will be fined for any smoking violation.
  • Luxembourg is one of the world’s safest countries and the safest country to visit in Europe. It is economically and politically stable.

Luxembourg Essential Info

U.S. Consular Emergency
The 24-hour number from a U.S. Phone is 1-888-407-4747
Outside of U.S., 011-202-501-4444

U.S. Embassy Luxembourg City
22 Boulevard Emmanuel Servais
L-2535 Luxembourg City
Telephone: +(352) 46-01-23-00
Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(352) 46-01-23-23
Fax: +(352) 46-14-01
Email: LuxembourgConsular@state.gov

Emergency Numbers
Police 113

Country Code

Time Zone

Right side

“Standard” Euro plug
Type C or F

Tourism Office

When to go to Luxembourg

Luxembourg, a small land-locked country between Belgium, France, and Germany, has a moderately continental climate, with cold winters and mild summers.

Luxembourg’s best time is mid-May to mid-September since it is the mildest weather month. In this period, the temperature is generally pleasant, and the weather is variable; the sun alternates with cloudy skies. Rain and thunderstorms are always possible, so prepare for them.

The shoulder season, April to early May and October, will help you avoid crowds from a travel perspective. However, Luxembourg is not known for being as packed as other E.U. countries.

Winters are cold and wet, with short days. Since walking Luxembourg City is an essential element of your visit, this might hinder you.

  • Summer 52-73 °F (11-73 °C)
  • Spring 36-64 °F (2-18 °C)
  • Fall 36-64 °F (2-18 °C)
  • Winter 28-45 °F (-1–9)

Our Favorite Luxembourg Resources

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Travel Books/Guides

Luxembourg was part of our seven-country trip. We had a full day on our way to Belgium. It is well worth more time if you can. Travel guides dedicated to Luxembourg are rare, but we found good info in the Lonely Planet guide. We listed one more guide below that others have said was very valuable though we have not tried it ourselves. We quoted the review from Amazon. Online resources for us were of the greatest use.

Luxembourg Lonely Planet’s Belgium & Luxembourg (Country Guide) by Lonely Planet

A passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice, the highlights Luxembourg has to offer, and what hidden discoveries await you. Detailed info to plan your visit to the Unesco World Heritage Luxembourg City and other lovely stops in this small but fascinating country. This is also an excellent resource for Belgium. Discover this travel guide here.

Luxembourg Luxembourg Bradt Travel Guide – Illustrated by Tim Kelton

“Luxembourg remains the only comprehensive English-language guide to focus exclusively on this small but fascinating European country. Included are detailed reviews of the best places to stay and eat in all price categories, from luxury to budget; information about every museum and significant place of interest in the country; in-depth guides to local food, drink, language, and culture; and guides to the best cycling and hiking trails, many of the latter having been personally tested and explored by the author.” Find this guide here.

Our favorite websites
  1. Luxembourg tourism site

2. U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Consular Affairs Greece Country Info

We cannot encourage you enough to visit this website as you plan and prepare for your trip. This is the U.S. Federal Government addressing the safety, security, travel risk, entry, exit, visa documents mandates, emergency U.S. and Embassy contacts, health, local laws, special circumstances, threats, traveler vulnerabilities, government warnings, and transportation In Luxembourg. This is your best and most reliable resource for all this important info. Check back often before you go, as things can change quickly. Being prepared is essential in all travel, but especially internationally.

International Travel Information Luxembourg (state.gov)

3. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travelers Health Resource

This CDC travel resource provides essential health info for your specific destination. Using their tool, you can determine which vaccines, medications, and health advice recommendations are needed for Luxembourg.

CDC’s Travelers Health Page for Luxembourg

Our favorite maps

Luxembourg Michelin Luxembourg, Grand Duchy Map 717

Accurate and easy-to-read road map with practical road and travel information. Major sites and landmarks are well-marked. Mapped road network with distances and designations for major highways to the off-the-beaten-path roads. City maps provide excellent details. Though we default to Google Maps, this came in handy in planning and when we lost cell service. Find this essential map here.

Our favorite apps

Rome2rio: Trip Planner Trip and Holiday Organizer Enter any address, landmark, or city in the App will instantly display all your travel options, booking info, accommodation providers, and things to do. Find it on your local App Store.

Duolingo-Language Lesson Audio lessons that help improve your listening and speaking skills. Find it on your local App Store.

Google Translate: We use this often to practice the proper pronunciation of words. Two of the three languages spoken, German and French, in Luxembourg are available. As we always encourage, learning the basics of greeting and thanking people in the local language is essential. Google Translate was an easy app to use. If needed, you can enter text in English, which will speak back in whatever language you need to aid in communicating with locals. Furthermore, it came in very handy to translate text into images instantly.

Do you have a favorite Luxembourg travel resource? Share your favorites in the comments section at the bottom of this page or

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Travel Insurance

Our favorite travel insurance site!

We could not be stronger advocates of being well-insured—not just for the little stuff but for the big things like medical emergencies. We never leave home without it. Our go-to place is Squaremouth.com. It does a fantastic job with its user-friendly interface and uses top-rated and reputable insurance carriers. They also mediate on your behalf if you have problems.

To empower you as a consumer, we suggest you read our blog post on the importance of travel insurance and how to get the best coverage from top-rated companies for an affordable price.

Medical transport back home from anywhere in the world

They are the premier global air medical transport. One caveat to travel insurance is that medical evacuation usually gets you to the closest facility to care for you. Medjet gets you back to the U.S. to the hospital of your choice once you are stable enough to fly. A Medjet membership is only for medical transport. Medjet Horizon offers expanded coverage. They have individual trip policies starting at $99 and annual policies for around $300. Most of their policies limit the age to 74.

To learn more about how Medical Evacuation membership with Medjet Assist works, check out our blog post for a more detailed review.  

Accommodations and Airfare

Expedia and VRBO
Hotels, home rentals, BNBs, flights, and other transportation & tours 

Expedia is a US-based company whose mission is to power global travel for everyone and everywhere. Wanderers Compass focuses on independent travel, and using sites like Expedia makes that possible. Every aspect of travel you need, from airfare, accommodations, rental car, and cruises to activities to do at your destination, can be booked on Expedia.  

Hotels, Home rentals, BNBs, Flights, and other Transportation & Tours 

Booking.com connects millions of travelers to memorable experiences, various transportation options, and incredible places to stay – from homes to hotels and much more. It is one of the world’s largest travel marketplaces for established brands and entrepreneurs of all sizes. It is our preferred booking site.


Personalized city-to-city private car transfer service

Daytrip is an affordable private car service for city-to-city transfers around the world. We love their service, and it costs much less than renting a car. You can enjoy comfortable, stress-free travel with the added bonus of scenic sightseeing stops along your journey. For example, we used them between Budapest and Vienna, making some fantastic stops along the way. Their professional drivers and customizable routes ensure a smooth ride while allowing you to explore hidden gems and local attractions.

To learn more about how Daytrip, check out our blog post for a more detailed review.  

Travel Experiences

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Communication products for seamless connectivity overseas

GigSky International eSIM Data Plans
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GigSky eSIM keeps travelers seamlessly connected worldwide without the hassle of swapping physical SIM cards or facing unexpected roaming charges. With affordable data plans and instant activation, you can enjoy reliable internet access in over 190 countries, making travel more convenient than ever. They have a great offer, a 100 MB data plan for free, and no credit card is required. They are that confident you will love their product!

Enjoy 10% off all GigSky Plans (except cruise and inflight) with our discount code WCOMPASS10

To learn more about how GigSky, check out our blog post for a more detailed review.


Wanderers Compass Amazon Storefront
An excellent source for all travel essentials and guides

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1 Comment

  • Ras Bahadur Rai
    July 9, 2023 at

    This Luxembourg travel guide is incredibly informative and comprehensive! The tips and essential information provided are helpful for travelers, from tipping customs to transportation and etiquette. The overall presentation and organization of the guide are excellent, making it a valuable resource for anyone planning a trip to Luxembourg. Thank you for sharing this comprehensive guide!


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